First visit to Cascade P-Patch

Dear Cascade P-Patch,

My first visit to Seattle, in early March, was nothing spectacular. It was cold, grey and rainy. Being a Florida gal, I was use to the rain but the cold, lack of sun and blue skies wasn't so appealing. Regardless of my underwhelming first visit, I continued with my plan to move here the following month.

My first few weeks living here were just the same. Rainy, cold, and grey. But then the day in April came, where I awoke to sunlight coming through my window. I was instantly energized, eager to explore my new neighborhood in such wondrous weather. As I stepped outside, I felt the sun kiss my skin and it's warmth embrace me. I walked down the street with an ear to ear smile, wishing a good afternoon to all.

Only a few blocks away, is where I discovered the loveliness that is the Cascade P-Patch. A beautiful community garden nestled in the middle of apartment buildings, surrounded by the constantly active construction of South Lake Union.

As I strolled through the gardens I immediately felt at peace. Hearing the birds chirp, seeing all the beautiful daffodils, taking in the scent of blossoming flowers, was my first breathtaking experience in Seattle. One I hope to never forget.

This soon became my local paradise, my home away from home, and a perfect place to enjoy my afternoon lunch.

I would like to thank everyone who contributes to the upkeep and beauty of this magnificent little treasure.

Mariel A.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed visiting your site and learning some good ideas about the garden practices. The photos are lovely too. I belong to a Community Garden in NYC. I am new to blogging and am working on my first blog.


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